


林 晶晶(リン ジンジン)

所属 IT活用教育センター
職名 助教
専門分野 eラーニング; オープン教育; アクティブラーニング; 起業家教育; STEM教育
学位 博士(哲学) (USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland)
E-mail lin.jingjing.qc
研究室web https://cite.tut.ac.jp/
研究者情報(researchmap) 研究者情報


Founder / Principal Investigator of ResearchIC.com. ResearchIC.com is a platform where online journal club (OJC) events are hosted and organized as a signature pedagogy to help improve the educational research literacy of researchers and students on a global scale. Registered users can host and attend online journal club events for free. See more details from OJC research project introduction. ResearchIC has received research funding from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to conduct research and development of the promised topic between 2022 and 2025. See details from the funded project on the KAKEN database.


学会会員:American Association of Psychology; IEEE; IEEE Education Society; American Educational Research Association (AERA); 日本教育工学会; International Society for Educational Technology (ISET); Moodle Association of Japan
