


Kawai, Kazuhisa

Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Title Associate Professor
Fields of Research Computer Science. / Computers and Education.
Degree Doctor of Engineering, OSAKA University.
Academic Societies Information Processing Society of Japan. etc.
E-mail kawai@
Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL https://kj65kawai.github.io/kawai/
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information


National curriculum standards reform for primary and secondary school were announced in 1998. Consistent and systematic information education through all stages of school education required sufficient improvement of related subjects and active use of computers. The auther collaborated with teachers of adjacent primary and secondary schools on establishing new teaching materials of infomation education.

Theme1:Information Education in Primary and Secondary Schools.


Information Education, Computers and Education, e-learning

Title of class

Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (c). (B1052004c) / Computer Programming 1a. (B1361011a) / Software Design Methodology. (B13630210) / Computers and Education. (M23630100) / Software Engineering. (M23630100), Advanced Software Engineering. (D33030020) / Software Design Methodology. (Distance Learning)

Others (Awards, Committees, Board members)

Language Teaching using Computers.

Practical Study on Sciense-Cafe.

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