イベント報告 | 2022年1月12日
2022年1月 豊橋技術科学大学学長 寺嶋 一彦
本学は研究大学として、半導体・センサ、ロボット研究を強みとし大型共同研究を進め、民間企業との共同研究では、民間企業からの研究者1人当たり研究費受入額で全国第2位の実績をあげました。また昨年、東三河産学官金連携形成委員会の設立及び名古屋市立大学、医療法人澄心会豊橋ハートセンターなど県内学術・医療機関との包括連携協定を結び共同研究を開始するなど地域との連携を強化しています。他にも豊橋市再開発の一環として豊橋駅前にオープンされましたemCAMPUS EASTに、サテライト・オフィスを設置し、東海地域、全国、世界と繋ぐ第2の窓口としています。本学は高専生、普通科・工業科高校生、留学生、社会人など多様な学生を集めダイバーシティを推進し、地域から愛され、世界に発信・貢献する大学を目指しています。
私は戦後生まれですが、当時は、多くの分野で世界的に新しい学問分野が生まれ、多くの旧帝大系大学では待遇は決して良くなかったですが多数の学生が博士後期課程に進学しました。一方、博士号を取得しても大学のポストがなく、しかし企業に就職せず大学の先生になりたいという学生が多数存在し、オーバードクターの花盛りでした。教授たちは、ゆったりして、学問に夢を持ち楽しんでいる感じが強かったです。私はそれに憧れました。さて現状はどうでしょうか? 待遇は当時に比べると随分改善されてきたと思います。
New Year's Greeting for 2022
January 7, 2022 (Friday) 10:00 Toyohashi University of Technology
President Kazuhiko Terashima
Happy New Year to you all. At the beginning of this year, I would like to wish you all good health and success. I regret that we have not had many opportunities to meet face-to-face due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, but the situation has improved a bit and this year we were able to conduct a hybrid of face-to-face and online New Year's greetings. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about our university's aspirations for the future. I believe that 2022 will be a fateful year for national universities, especially for our research universities. We, the faculty and staff of Toyohashi University of Technology, will work together to build a new era of Toyohashi University of Technology.
As a research university, Toyohashi University of Technology has promoted large-scale joint research with its strengths in semiconductor, sensor, and robotics research, and has ranked second in Japan in terms of the amount of research funding received per researcher from private companies. Last year, we strengthened our ties with the local community by establishing the Higashi Mikawa Industry-Academia-Government-Government Collaboration Formation Committee, and by signing a comprehensive collaboration agreement with Nagoya City University, the Cyoshinkai Heart Center, and other academic and medical institutions in the prefecture to begin joint research. A satellite office has been established in emCAMPUS EAST, which opened in front of Toyohashi Station as part of the Toyohashi City redevelopment project, to serve as a second window to the Tokai region, the rest of Japan, and the world. Our university aims to become a university that is loved by the local community and contributes to the world by attracting a diverse student body, including technical college students, high school students, international students, female students, and working adults.
However, the environment surrounding the university is severe, with a declining birthrate and aging population in Japan, a decline in the country's growth rate and sense of well-being, and a crisis caused by the new coronavirus infection in the world.
In particular, the recent statistics show that the number of first-year undergraduates, third-year transfer students, master's students, and doctoral students has fallen below the quota due to the aging society. Among them, the decline in the number of students enrolled in doctoral programs is particularly severe. Japan's future as a nation of science and technology is uncertain, with declining rankings in personal GDP, declining numbers of papers, and declining rankings in various fields of business. I believe that one way to solve this problem is to increase the number of doctoral students enrolled, support national universities as centers of knowledge for industry and society as a whole, and then produce a large number of excellent PhDs not only for academic institutions but also for industry. Compared to other developed countries such as the U.S., the U.K. and Germany, the decline in the number of Ph. Let's think about the reasons for this. I think there are three main reasons: the first is the lack of cost-of-living salaries for Ph.D. students (comparable salaries to their peers and increased research freedom); the second is the lack of job opportunities after finishing the Ph.D. program and the lack of recognition of the title as a Ph.D. The third is the lack of motivation among students to enter doctoral programs. First, the financial support environment for doctoral programs is gradually improving through the MEXT University fellowship creation projects. Also, there are some companies that are willing to pay high salaries to PhD students. We need to thoroughly inform our students of this information. Secondly, with the increase in graduate student participation in joint research with industry, the perception of companies is changing and gradually improving. It is sometimes said that those who have completed doctoral programs have a deep specialty but a narrow perspective and are octopus-like. In reality, this is not the case, and there are many excellent students with leadership qualities. It is essential to change the guidance policy of the instructor and the perception of the company, but this is gradually being improved by the government.
Now for the third point. I think this is the most important and serious issue. In other words, how to motivate students to go for doctoral studies. In order to do so, I think it is important to emphasize the importance of the doctoral program to students from their undergraduate years whenever there is an opportunity. At the same time, it is necessary for researchers, as research professionals, to love academics and research, to immerse themselves in academics and research, and to enjoy it. In other words, passion for learning is the most important thing. Since the incorporation of the university, we have been busy with our daily work, and this may be the reason why students do not feel attracted to research anymore.
I was born in the postwar period, but at that time, new academic fields were born worldwide in many fields, and many students went on to doctoral programs at many former imperial universities, although the treatment was not good. On the other hand, there were many students who wanted to become university teachers instead of working for companies, and over-doctoring was in full swing. The professors were relaxed and seemed to be enjoying their academic dreams. I admired that. Now, what about the current situation? I think the treatment has improved a lot compared to those days.
As a professional researcher, it is essential for professors to talk to students about their academic dreams and goals, and to convey the joy and thrill of academics to them under a free research environment . I think it is true that I have to go out more than before to participate in domestic and international conferences, travel for joint research, etc., and have less time to face students. However, as I learned in my time at Corona, I believe that we can overcome this by using a hybrid of online and face-to-face communication, even if we have to go out more. To do this, love for students and disciples is important. What I would like to say to faculty members is "passion and love" for students and young faculty members. Without this, no matter how many strategies we devise, academia will not be able to overcome this situation. This year, I would like to ask all of you to treat your students with more passion and love than ever before.
By the way, in my speech before I became the president of the university, I stated that I would "To create a vibrant university that contributes to society - change the world through technological science".
As a university is a center of knowledge and a place for learning critical thinking, I said that I would conduct research and education that would change the world through the technological science that is the hallmark of our university, not just for the benefit of the world, which is something that is given to us by industry and society. What kind of research and education? How to do this, we have to think independently by creating original value. As one of the methodologies, we have adopted the slogan "Collecting, Connecting, and Illuminating". For the President personally, collecting means collecting human resources and funds, and connecting means linking organizations to increase synergy effects. Illuminating is shining a light on your strengths, the university will support you in your areas of expertise. I believe that these slogans apply to you in many ways. I think this slogan applies to you as well. collect information in your area of expertise, connect that information well, and focus your work on the important areas.
Now, I would like to make a request to all of you: in a free research environment, I would like you to explore your areas of expertise and produce excellent results. This will broaden the scope of learning. However, our university is one of only two universities in Japan called the University of Technology. Technology and science is " Unraveling technology scientifically systematizing technology creating new technology". It is also a university that collaborates with 51 technical colleges and has many students who are strong in manufacturing and also have high digital skills such as AI and IoT. Therefore, our mission is to conduct world-class education and research in cross-disciplinary (cross-tech) technological science that combines CPS technologies such as sensors, AI, and robotics, as well as carbon-neutral studies, and to become one of the top universities in the world in the field of implementation and application research. Therefore, please do not forget to "collect" excellent students from all over the world, to "connect" with excellent research institutions and industries in the world, and to "illuminate" the light on technical science to make the university a university that will change the world. In this regard, I would like all of us to unite and move forward together as one vector. Ultimately, this is the brand of our university, which is unparalleled in the world. Currently, we are working on a long-term future plan for the next 10 to 20 years, which will be completed by March of this year. What I have just described is the vision and brand of our university that will not change over the long term. To achieve this, we will strive to create an environment where our faculty, staff, and students, who are the source of the university's vitality, can work and study energetically. This will lead to our contribution to society. This is what I meant when I said, "To create a vibrant university that contributes to society - change the world through technological science" and "Collecting, Connecting, and Illuminating, so we, the faculty and staff members, will work together to create a new era of Toyohashi University of Technology.
This year is the year of the tiger, and in the year of the tiger, Mizunoe no tora (壬寅) is said to represent good fortune, such as "a new start" and "the growth of something born".
In closing, I would like to wish you and the university a happy new year and wish you all the best for the New Year 2022.