



トピックス | 2021年10月 4日

Congratulatory Address to students enrolled in October 2021

October 4, 2021
Kazuhiko Terashima
President, Toyohashi University of Technology

Congratulation to all of you on your admission. The Toyohashi University of Technology is pleased to announce that the number of graduate school students in 2021: number of master course students 35, doctor course students 6. My heartly congratulations are extend also, of course, to all the parents and guardians who have worked so hard to bring up their children.

The coronavirus infection is still raging unabated. At our university the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine was administered in September, and the second dose will be administered in early October. We believe that the situation will be gradual recovery, but for now we cannot afford to be complacent, and in order to protect the safety of everyone's health, we regret to announce that the entrance ceremony has been cancelled, and we will only be posting a video message from the President on our official website. We ask for your understanding. On this blessed day, I am delighted to offer my congratulations as your President.

Toyohashi University of Technology was established with the mission of education and research in the field of technological science, which is the field of developing new technologies through the exploration of the science that supports technology. Our goal is to become a world-leading engineering university in practical research and social implementation of technology, while respecting social diversity and strengthening ties with local communities and industry.

Now, our university is not called the Toyohashi University of Science and Technology, but the Toyohashi University of Technology (In Japanese, Gijyutukagaku daigaku). The term "technological science (In Japanese, Gijyutukagaku)" is probably unfamiliar to those of you who have just entered the university. Let me explain the term "technological science". First of all, the term "science and technology" means the totality of science and technology. "Science" generally refers to the discovery, systematization, and explanation of objective rules and principles among things, and on the othr hand, "technology" refers to the means of applying theories in practice.

The basic philosophy of the Toyohashi University of Technology Charter states, "Our mission is to educate and research the science of technology, a discipline that develops new technologies through the exploration of the science that supports technology." This is what it says. Our university aims to scientifically clarify and explore manufacturing technology, to develop more advanced technology, and to create a technological system.

The graduates of our university, who have been educated based on these principles, have a good reputation in industry and the local community for their sincerity, strength in manufacturing and IT, ability to design and prototype as well as theory, and excellence as engineers.

I would like to introduce one example of our university's research in technological science. Since last year, Professor Akiyoshi Iida of our university's Mechanical Engineering Department, using the supercomputer Fugaku, has been working with RIKEN and others to produce excellent research results on the phenomenon of coronavirus droplets and the effects of masks, which have been frequently reported on TV and in newspapers. Masks and droplet control technology have been around for a long time, but this research is scientifically elucidating them to help solve social issues. We also have many other research projects. I regret that I cannot introduce the research of each professor, but please pay attention to the reports of our research results on TUT website,TV and in newspapers. In addition, the amount of research funds received for joint research with private companies (per researcher) is the second largest in Japan for fiscal year 2019.

Our university is a research university that excels in research. With sensing devices, semiconductor research, AI research, and robotics research at its core, the University's strong research field is the fusion of different fields, such as materials and chemistry, vehicles, agriculture and biotechnology, and architecture and urban systems. We have been selected for many national priority projects such as the Research University Strengthening Promotion Project, which has been adopted by only 19 of the nearly 800 universities in Japan. Both faculty and students are very active in presenting papers and traveling overseas to international conferences. Although we are a small university with only about 200 faculty members, we are able to produce excellent results because of the sincerity and excellence of our students as well as our faculty member.

Our university focuses on internationalization as well as research. As a recipient of the "Super Global University Initiative," we have been steadily achieving results, and we will continue to accelerate our globalization by actively accepting international students and sending students abroad. Currently, the university welcomes about 281 international students from overseas, while about 151 Japanese students from the university are doing internships and studying abroad in 2019. Sixty-five percent of our undergraduate lectures are bilingual, taught in English and Japanese. Foreign language courses in the graduate school are 100% taught in English. In addition, there is a Global House on campus, where 160 students live together in a shared house with five students each, and various events such as regular exchange meetings with the local community are held to create a multicultural global campus.

Unfortunately, there has been an outbreak of covid-19 infection all over the world from last spring until now. It is said that it will continue, and the challenge is how to live in the era of widespread coronas and post-coronas. Due to globalization, the new coronavirus has instantly spread to anywhere in the world. With the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) activities gaining momentum, it will be necessary for human beings to focus on the fight against coronaviruses from their own standpoints. What can you do now? Think deeply for yourself. We humans are in a crisis now, but I believe we can turn it into an opportunity. For example, in the age of coronaviruses, the use of information technology (IT) will advance rapidly, making our lives more convenient. Of course, our university will make every effort to ensure that you can continue your studies as usual in the age of the corona virus. In the semester starting this fall, we will be using a mixture of distance and face-to-face lectures. Experiments and small group lectures will be conducted face-to-face. On-demand lectures will be provided as much as possible to help students prepare and review. Time will be set aside for regular dialogue between students and teachers. The university will also plan for communication between students and extracurricular activities. We will do our best to provide high quality education, research, and student life based on the knowledge gained through reflection and experience in the past semesters. For international students who are already at the university, there is no problem, but for those who are still in their home countries and cannot come to the university, they will have to keep in touch with their homeroom teachers and supervisors through online lectures, two-way online calls and e-mails. The web will be available in English as well as Japanese. We will post information in English as well as Japanese on the website.

Please do not panic if you have to stay at home while abroad. Classroom lectures will be available online, and experiments will be available for you to focus on when you arrive at the university. Also, if you need communication equipment for financial reasons, the university will support you, so please don't hesitate to ask. We will always be with you, close by your side.

In addition, it seems that some talents blossom when you have relatively free time. In the age of Corona, please find time to read about a variety of subjects. Reading may help you develop and enrich your philosophy and future life plans. Let me tell you a story the president of the present famous global company took two years off from college due to illness while he was university student. During that time, he read a lot of books and learned about his life goals and the meaning of life, and the two-year gap was very useful for him.

Finally, I would like to say that although our university is not large in size, it is one of the top engineering universities in Japan. We, the faculty and staff, are proud to be able to welcome you, our outstanding students. I hope that you will be proud to be a student of TUT and contribute to the world today and in the future. Congratulations on your admission to TUT. I would like to conclude the President's congratulatory address by wishing you a wonderful life at TUT.



皆さん、ご入学おめでとうございます。豊橋技術科学大学は今年度大学院入学者数 博士前期課程35名、博士後期課程6名の入学者を迎えました。また保護者の皆様、今まで一生懸命に育ててこられたお子様のご入学、心よりお喜び申し上げます。









さて、残念ながら昨年春から今まで、世界中で新型コロナウイルス感染症が流行しています。まだ続くと言われ、ウイズコロナ、ポストコロナの時代をどのように生きていくかが課題となっています。グローバリゼーションにより、新型コロナウイルスは即座に世界中のどこにでも広がりました。 SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)の活動が活発化している今、人間はそれぞれの立場からコロナウイルス対策に力を注ぐことが必要でしょう。 あなたは今何ができますか? 自分で深く考えてください。

私たち人間は今危機に瀕していますが、しかし、それをチャンスに変えることができると思います。 例えば、コロナウイルス時代には、情報技術(IT)の利用が急速に進み、私たちの生活がより便利になります。 もちろん本学は、ウイズコロナの時代に、皆さんが、平常通り勉学に励めるよう努めます。今秋からのセメスターでは、遠隔講義と対面講義を取り混ぜて行います。実験や少人数講義は対面で行います。また予習・復習に役立つよう、オンデマンド講義も可能な限り用意します。学生と教員が定期的に対話できるよう時間を設けます。また教員や学生同士のコミュニケーションや課外活動も図れるよう大学としては企画します。これまでのセメスターでの反省と経験で得た知見を基に、質の高い教育、研究、学生生活ができるよう全力で努力します。留学生は、すでに、本学にいる人は問題ないですが、まだ本国にいて、本学に来れない留学生は、暫くは、オンライン講義や、担任や指導教員と双方向オンライン通話やメール等で連絡を取り合うことになります。WEBには、日本語と同時に、英語版もできる限り同時に情報を掲載します。また学生向けの教員のメッセージや学長講話も載せているので楽しんでください。




