


ホーム > 新任教員紹介

Chapter1情報・知能工学系特任教授 Jussi Parkkinen(ジュシ パーキネン)

145tenpakujussi.jpgI have finished my MSc degree in Medical Physics and PhD in Mathematics, both at the University of Kuopio, Finland, and the post doc period at the University of Iowa, U.S.A. I have been working since 1994, as Professor of computer science and Engineering in Finland and at the Monash University Malaysia. Apart from my professorship, I have given lecture courses in Germany, Spain, France and Russia. I have served 20 years as Head of Department, Dean or University Vice President in different universities in Finland and Malaysia. My research field is machine learning in photonics applications, especially in spectral color imaging and intelligent lighting. I have had research and education collaboration with TUT for about 20 years.

Chapter2情報・知能工学系特任助教 Mohammad Shehata(モハマド シハタ)

145tempakushihata.jpgI graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt (2001) and then affiliated to work as a staff member in the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. On 2006, I moved to Japan to earned my Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama (2011). Then I worked as an Assistant Professor in the Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama. My research was focusing the role of protein
degradation mechanisms in how we forget our memories. On 2016, I moved to TUT to research several cognitive brain functions including how our brains are linked during interpersonal interaction.

Chapter3情報・知能工学系助教 上田 祥代(うえだ さちよ)


Chapter4情報・知能工学系助教 長谷川 孔明(はせがわ こうめい)


Chapter5建築・都市システム学系講師 小野 悠(おの はるか)


Chapter6未来ビークルシティリサーチセンター特任教授 塚本 悟司(つかもと さとし)




