

International Visiting Researcher

In order to promote international exchange in academic research, TUT accepts international researchers who meet the prescribed criteria as "International Visiting Researcher"s. If a researcher, such as a faculty member from a foreign university, wishes to carry out joint research at our university, he/she should make the following application through our faculty member as a host researcher. Applications will be accepted upon successful completion of the screening process. (This does not apply to short visits for research meetings, etc.)

1. Eligibility

  • Those who meet the conditions in A. or B. below, and
    Has our faculty member as a host researcher, and
    Have already made prior arrangements with the host researcher regarding their research content/plan and laboratory acceptance

    A. Researchers who have been accepted under the following programmes
    - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
    - Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Short-term Research Program for Returning International Students
    - Exchange Programmes for Foreign Governments, International Organizations, and Other Public Institutions

    B. Those who meet the following criteria:
    - University faculty members
    - Those who are in positions equivalent or have an equivalent research record to the above
    (Ph.D. or equivalent research ability and achievements)

2. Period

Up to one year
(Extensions may be permitted in special circumstances, such as the duration of the project grant)

3. Applicant for Acceptance Procedure

The applicant will be the host researcher of the university.
When accepting an international researcher, the host researcher is responsible for conducting joint research, assisting with entry and departure procedures, and providing support during their stay. Host researchers are advised to make sure that they are able to accept foreign researchers before applying.

4. Application Documents

  • ・Application documents must be submitted by the host researcher
    1. Application form (Form 1) *internal access
    2. Statement of Acceptance and Pledge (to be entered directly into the dedicated form *internal access)
    3. Response form of the e-application system for security and export control
    4. Copy of the diploma of the last academic qualification
    5. Copy of the passport
    6. Copy of certificate of medical/damage insurance such as overseas travel insurance accompanying the stay in Japan (must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the arrival in Japan)
  • - If the documents are written in a language other than Japanese or English, please attach a translation
  • - Documents submitted will not be returned

5. Application Deadline

Application documents must be submitted by the end of the fifth month prior to the month in which you wish to start acceptance.
(e.g. for April, submit by the end of November of the previous year; for October, submit by the end of May)

6. Visa

Visiting Researchers require different visas depending on the length of their stay and conditions. For information on visa types and arrangements, please consult the General Affairs Division, KOSEN Liaison and International Affairs Section, through your host researcher. It is recommended to prepare early, as some visas may take time to obtain.
If the researcher wishes to bring their family members, the host researcher should consult with them and decide whether or not they can accompany them.

Where to submit application documents and inquiries

General Affairs Division, KOSEN Liaison and International Affairs Section
Email: kouryu@office
* Please add "" at the end of the email address

[Date Created]2 Aug 2024 / [Date Updated]12 Sep 2024
General Affairs Division, KOSEN Liaison and International Affairs Section

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