


Takiuchi, Yuji

Affiliation Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Concurrent post Research Center for Collaborative Area Risk Management (CARM)
Title Associate Professor
Fields of Research Structural Engineering
Degree Dr. of Engineering (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Academic Societies Architectural Institute of Japan, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
E-mail y-takiuchi@ace
Please append ".tut.ac.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL http://www.st.tutrp.tut.ac.jp/~nakazawa/
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information

Theme1:Buckling analysis and seismic response analysis of shell and spatial structures


Spatial structures such as domes and gymnasiums have complex buckling behavior and seismic response characteristics.
In order to build a design method for this type of structure, we are working on the following themes:
1. Analysis of collapse behavior due to buckling, evaluation of buckling strength
2. Analysis of seismic response behavior, evaluation of seismic performance


Spatial Structure, Lattice Shell, Grid Shell, Buckling Analysis, Seismic responce analysis

Theme2:Shape optimization for shell and spatial structures


The shell structure is lightweight and thin, and has a feature that resists external force by shape. Therefore, optimization to find reasonable shapes is being studied in our laboratory.
The shape optimization considering heavy snow and earthquakes for shell structures has been proposed.


Shape optimization, Morphogenesis,Computational Design

Theme3:Prediction of structural behavior and design using machine learning


In Japan, which faces a declining population, the construction industry is also experiencing severe labor shortages. To address this issue, research is being conducted to streamline design using technologies such as machine learning. This includes studying the use of AI for predicting structural behavior during earthquakes and heavy snow, as well as for structural optimization.


Digital Transformation, Machine Learning, BIM

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