In a research collaboration between a research group led by Professor Hiroshi Yokoyama of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and KOBE STEEL, LTD., flow and acoustic fields in an expanding pipe with orifice plates were studied using a computational methodology developed by Prof. Yokoyama's group. The flow fields, including the various vortical structures and generated acoustic fields, were explained for the first time.
Expanding pipes with orifice plates are often used as silencers in fluid machinery. However, intense tonal sounds can be generated from the flow through these expanding pipes. Until now, the flow and sound in such complex configurations have not been well understood.
To understand the mechanism of tonal sound from a flow through a circular expanding pipe with two orifice plates and the conditions for intense acoustic radiation, the flow and acoustic fields were directly studied based on a large-scale computational methodology developed by Professor Yokoyama's group at the Toyohashi University of Technology in collaboration with KOBE STEEL, LTD.
The computational results show that tonal sound radiation occurs because of the collision of the vortices with the orifice plates or the downstream edge of the expanding pipe. The vortical structures were found to change with velocity and orifice radius, where spiral vortices, vortex rings, and arch-shaped vortices appeared, as shown in the figure. This change led to variations in the frequency and mode of the primary sound. The results were published in Physics of Fluids (March 2024).
Based on the findings from this study, research and development for the realization of a system with low environmental cost, including fluid machinery, are planned in the future. During the development of the computational methodology, wind tunnel experiments are performed under various conditions, and the results are compared with those predicted to validate the computational methods. Although the generation of various vortices such as spiral vortices and the corresponding acoustic mode is clarified, the basic mechanism for the generation of these vortices is not completely understood and requires further investigations in the future.
Title:Fluid–acoustic interactions around an expanding pipe with orifice plates
Authors:Akitomo FUKUMA (福間章友), Manato KAWAI (川合央人), Nini FURUKAWA (古川新日), Kenji KAWASAKI (川﨑賢二), Ichiro YAMAGIWA (山極伊知郎), Masahito NISHIKAWARA (西川原理仁), Hiroshi YOKOYAMA (横山博史)
Journal:Physics of Fluids, 36(3), 036116
豊橋技術科学大学 機械工学系 横山博史教授と株式会社神戸製鋼所 技術開発本部との共同研究において、本学で開発されてきた空力音響解析手法を用い、圧縮機など流体機械の低騒音化のため用いられるサイレンサーの1つである複数のオリフィス板(小孔の空いた板)を有する拡大管内の様々な渦構造を含む流れ場や、その結果発生する音場を世界で初めて明らかにしました。
豊橋技術科学大学 機械工学系 横山博史教授の研究グループでは、これまで開発してきた複雑な形状の周りの流れや音場も分析可能な数値解析手法を用い、株式会社神戸製鋼所 技術開発本部と共同で、複数のオリフィス板を有する拡大管周りの流れ場と音場を調査しました。各条件の解析には2万個程度のCPUを用い、40日程度を必要とし、大規模かつ長時間の解析を行いました。
解析の結果、図1に示すように拡大管内には渦構造が発生し、これらがオリフィス板や拡大管下流側端部に衝突することで強い音が発生することが明らかになりました。さらに、主流速度やオリフィス径といった条件によって、渦の形状がらせん型の渦、ドーナツ型の渦輪、アーチ型の渦など変化し、主要な発生音の周波数や管内の分布も変化することがわかりました。これらの成果はPhysics of Fluids (2024年3月公開) に掲載されました。
論文タイトル:Fluid–acoustic interactions around an expanding pipe with orifice plates
著者:Akitomo FUKUMA (福間章友), Manato KAWAI (川合央人), Nini FURUKAWA (古川新日), Kenji KAWASAKI (川﨑賢二), Ichiro YAMAGIWA (山極伊知郎), Masahito NISHIKAWARA (西川原理仁), Hiroshi YOKOYAMA (横山博史)
雑誌名:Physics of Fluids, 36 (3), 036116 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0193029
Name | Hiroshi Yokoyama |
Affiliation | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Title | Professor |
Fields of Research | Fluid engineering / Aeroacoustics / Computational fluid dynamics / Thermoacoustics |