Associate Professor Hirose Yuu’s research focuses on how photosynthetic algae perceive and respond to light color to optimize photosynthesis. His research has been focused on how cyanobacteria perceive green or red light using unique photosensor proteins. Recently, he achieved the large-scale cultivation of diatoms under outdoor conditions and established a university-based start-up for commercial production of active ingredients.
Associate Professor Hirose has been studying cyanobacteria for more than 20 years, beginning with his doctoral research. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are prokaryotic organisms that perform photosynthesis, producing carbohydrates from carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy. They can perform photosynthesis across a wid range of environments, from oceans, lakes, and hot springs, to dry land and even deserts. Under these various conditions, cyanobacteria optimize their photosynthesis apparatus in response to changes in light color. However, the molecular mechanisms by which cyanobacteria perceive the light color are not yet fully understood.
“For over a century, it has been understood that certain cyanobacteria turn green under red light and red under green light. This phenomenon occurs because the cyanobacteria detect red and green light in their surroundings and adjust the absorption of their light-harvesting antenna, thus altering their cellular color. However, the molecular mechanism by which cyanobacteria actually perceive green and red light has remained unclear. My research was motivated by a desire to unravel this mystery,” explains Associate Professor Hirose.
In this phenomenon, a photoreceptor protein functions as a “light switch” to detect green and red light. Associate Professor Hirose’s managed to successfully uncover how this works, although the breakthrough was actually the result of an accident during an experiment.
“During the experiment, I inadvertently added a small amount of acidic buffer to a neutral photoreceptor protein solution. Mysteriously, the solution's color shifted instantly from blue to red and then reverted to blue. This indicated that the protein's light absorption properties changed as the pH transitioned from neutral to acidic and back to neutral. Furthermore, the return to the original color suggested that the protein was not denatured. After analyzing this unexpected phenomenon, I hypothesized that a proton was being released from or attached to the bilin chromophore.”
Associate Professor Hirose subsequently investigated the relationship between the pH of the photoreceptor protein solution and its absorption wavelength. Through this experiment, he became the first to propose that a proton is transferred within the chromophore when the photoreceptor protein perceives green and red light.
Building on his research, Associate Professor Hirose further advanced his work by uncovering the structural basis of how photoreceptor proteins detect light.
“Photoreceptor proteins exist in two states: one that absorbs green light and another that absorbs red light. By comparing the structures of the protein in these two states, we could identify key structural changes in the bilin chromophore and the surrounding protein. Specifically, in the green light state, a part of the protein acts like a lid that opens, allowing water molecules to flow in (solvation), which facilitates proton attachment to the chromophore. In contrast, under red light, the lid closes, blocking water inflow (desolvation) and making proton attachment more difficult. These findings fully elucidate how cyanobacteria detect and respond to green and red light.”
However, Associate Professor Hirose acknowledges that he could never have carried out this research alone. Most of this research has been accomplished through collaborative efforts with researchers from various fields across Japan.
“We are proficient in preparing proteins and conducting general analyses, but specialized techniques, such as structural analysis, are beyond our expertise, so we rely on our collaborators for these tasks. Japan is home to many universities with outstanding researchers specializing in diverse fields. The ability to conduct research in close collaboration with these experts is, in my view, a significant strength of research in Japan.”
Furthermore, the photoreceptor proteins of cyanobacteria, which Associate Professor Hirose has studied, are now being utilized as research tools in optogenetics, a field in which cellular activity is controlled by illuminating green and red light.
“Additionally, research aimed at improving photosynthetic efficiency is gaining attention in terms of its potential contribution to efforts to boost carbon neutrality and agricultural productivity. Our findings may also prove valuable in these areas.”
In addition to his basic research on photoreceptor proteins, Associate Professor Hirose is also engaged in a university-based start-up that utilizes a type of algae known as diatoms.
“This start-up focuses on mass-cultivating diatoms to produce various substances. While this may appear unrelated to our research on cyanobacteria, it includes the production of fucoxanthin, a photosynthetic antenna pigment found in diatoms. Therefore, both research projects are connected through their focus on the chromophore of photoreceptor proteins,” explains Associate Professor Hirose.
Fucoxanthin is known for its impressive pharmacological properties, including anti-obesity effects, with extracts from sources such as kelp already being marketed as supplements. However, the limited amount of fucoxanthin that can be extracted from kelp has made such supplements expensive. Although diatoms contain large quantities of fucoxanthin, their cultivation has been challenging owing to their susceptibility to bacteria and other organisms, making large-scale outdoor cultivation difficult to date.
“Through our efforts, we discovered a diatom capable of growing in extreme environments and successfully mass-cultivated it without contamination. We have already filed patents and are conducting demonstration experiments with the goal of commercialization within a few years. Looking ahead, we are also exploring its potential use as fishery feed and for biofuels,” says Associate Professor Hirose enthusiastically.
In fact, founding this start-up also had some unexpected benefits.
“When I was focused solely on basic research, other professors at Toyohashi University of Technology showed little interest in my work. However, since I started applied research and an on-campus venture company, I feel that people are paying more attention to my work than before. This may be a reflection of the culture at this university, which emphasizes applied research that is useful in society, such as collaborative research with companies.” Associate Professor Hirose concluded by expressing his desire to continue to pursue his research activitieswhile maintaining a balance between basic and applied studies.
Associate Professor Hirose studied at Hokkaido University before pursuing his master’s degree at the University of Tokyo. Since then, he has focused on research related to cyanobacteria. Since joining Toyohashi University of Technology in 2011, he has conducted extensive collaborative and applied research.
“When I was at the University of Tokyo, I believed I could accomplish everything on my own. However, when I first arrived in Toyohashi, I had neither the equipment nor the funding. Looking back, that was a pivotal moment in my career as a researcher. I began reaching out to acquaintances both in Japan and abroad, initiating collaborative research, which greatly expanded my work. Since then, I’ve adopted a research approach that involves collaborating with researchers from various fields, working together, and going with the flow,” he explains. He also added, “If anyone conducts their research with due care and dilligence, great discoveries are sure to follow. However, whether you can seize that golden opportunity depends on the consistency of your application.” This hybrid approach of going with the flow while at the same time sticking to the task may be the secret to attracting opportunities.
その後、広瀬准教授は、実際に光受容タンパク質溶液のpHと吸収波長の関係を詳細に解析することで、光受容タンパク質が緑色光と赤色光を受容する際に、発色団においてプロトンの移動が起こることを、 世界で初めて提唱したのだった。
Yuu Hirose
Yuu Hirose graduated Hokkaido University in 2006 and received PhD degree in 2011 from The University of Tokyo, Japan. After a postdoctoral fellow at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), he started his career as a project assistant professor at Toyohashi University of Technology in 2012. He is currently an associate professor at Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Science.
Madoka Tainaka
Editor and writer. Former committee member on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Council for Science and Technology, Information Science Technology Committee and editor at NII Today, a publication from the National Institute of Informatics. She interviews researchers at universities and businesses, produces content for executives, and also plans, edits, and writes books.