日時: 平成26年2月28日(金) 12:15~13:00
場所: 本学講義棟 A2-101(A1-101から変更になりました)
地図: https://www.tut.ac.jp/docs/campas%20map2012.pdf
講演: Alexander BARYSHEV テニュアトラック准教授
費用: 無料
「An approach to visualization of and optical sensing by Bloch surface waves in noble or base metal-based plasmonic photonic crystal slabs」
The Bloch surface wave resonance(SWR) was visualized with the aid of plasmon absorption in a dielectric/metal/dielectric sandwich terminating a one-dimensional photonic crystal. An SWR peak in spectra of such a plasmonic photonic crystal(PPhC) slab comprising a noble or base metal layer was demonstrated to be sensitive to a negligible variation of refractive index of a medium adjoining to the slab.
This new concept of PPhC slabs can be of practical importance because the metal layer is protected by a capping dielectric layer from contact with analytes and,consequently, from deterioration. Moreover, in case ofPPhC slabs,gold(the key element of the surface plasmon resonance-based biosensors) can be replaced by other metals. The PPhC-based sensors can be low-cost, reusable and robust sensors having a sensitivity significantly surpassing that of the known optical sensors.