マルチエージェントシステムやロボットシステムのためのソフトウェアアーキテクチャ,都市探索救助ロボット,エージェントベース防災システムなどがご専門の Stinckwich 先生をお招きして,下記のとおり講演会を開催いたします。
日 時:2011年1月21日(金) 11:00~12:00
会 場:豊橋技術科学大学 C棟2F C-204号室
講演者:Prof. Serge Stinckwich
Universite de Caen, Basse Normandie, France and IRD,
International Research Unit UMMISCO (France),Ha Noi,Vietnam
Adapting robotic disaster response to developing countries
概 要:
IRD is a french research institute quite unique in the landscape of European research for development. Its task is to conduct research in the South, for the South, with the South. Its researchers are working on issues of major global importance today: global warming, emerging diseases, biodiversity, access to water, migration, poverty, world hunger. The global climate change induces an increase, in terms of frequency and devastating power, of natural disasters (particularly in developing countries). For facing this, there is a growing need for robotic assistance, for collecting information, managing disaster situation, rescuing victims and preserve human lives. It is one of the means recommended by the UNPD (United Nations Program for Development), which consist in the deployment of on-field automated monitoring, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. This talk outlines the research performed in the AROUND (Autonomous Robots for Observation of Urban Networks after Disasters) project. This project addresses the issue of developing a search and rescue multi-robot systems taking into account specific constraints of developing countries.
Serge Stinckwich is associate professor from the Universit de Caen Basse Normandie (UCBN) and he is currently working at IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement). He defends his PhD Thesis at University of Savoie in 1994 for his work about programming languages for multi-agent systems. Since 1996, he is working at University of Caen in the research team "Models-Agents-Decision" in the Groupe de Recherche en Informatique, Imagerie et Instrumentation (GREYC) de Caen (UMR CNRS). En 2008, he was invited professor in the MOVE research team (MOdelisation et Verification) at LIP6 (University of Paris 6).
Since October 2008, he is an associate researcher of the IRD, on secondment ("delegation" in French) in the UMMISCO (Unite de research Modelisation Mathematique et Informatique de Systemes Complexes) research team in its vietnamese implantation (Ha Noi). His main
research interests are software architecture for multi-agent and robotic system, networked robotics for Urban Search and Rescue and disaster management information systems.
Recently, he was conference organizers of ATDM"09 (Second International Workshop on Agent technology for Disaster Management), DSLRob"10 (First Workshop on Domain Specific Languages for Robotic Systems) and DYROS"10 (International Workshop on Dynamic languages for Robotic and Sensors systems).
問い合わせ先:情報・知能工学系 教授 三浦 純