


Nakauchi, Shigeki

Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Concurrent post Center for IT-Based Education (CITE)
Global Engagement Center
Information and Media Center
Institute for Research on Next-generation Semiconductor and Sensing Science (IRES²)
Title Professor
Fields of Research Vision Science & Technology / Spectral Color Imaging
Degree Doctor of Engineering (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Academic Societies The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers / Vision Society of Japan / Japan Neuroscience Society / Japanese Neural Nework Society / Imaging Science & Technology / Optical Society of America
E-mail nakauchi@
Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL http://www.vpac.cs.tut.ac.jp/
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information


We can see and recognize things, and act without feeling any difficulties. Our mission is to explore visual function and the mechanisms of the brain which allow us to do so, and to develop new technology, including color universal design, spectral imaging, for visual information processing based on the fundamental vision research.

Theme1:Vision Science - why is it seen as it is? -

Material perception: we can identify the material of objects (mirror: left; glass: right) that we saw only for a moment.

Vision is far skillful rather than we imagine. Visual perception results from "interpretations" of the retinal images. The visual system has many important features including adaptation to the visual environments, integration of various visual clues to estimate 3D information, etc. Understanding these functions may make present media technology remarkable progress. Moreover, although we are almost always subjected to a barrage of different source of visual information, our visual system does not process all the information. Rather, by so-called visual attention, the visual system selectively processes some extent of the input image. To explore the fundamental functions of the vision, we are doing psychophysical experiment, EEG measurement and analysis, and constructing mathematical models of the vision.

We are now tackling various topics as:
- Color vision
- Motion-color interaction
- Surface quality perception
- ERPs studies on face processing, visual naturalness, awareness
- Brain-Computer interface

Selected publications and works

◆ Association between pupil dilation and implicit processing prior to object recognition via insight.
Suzuki Y, Minami T, Nakauchi S, Scientific reports 8(1) 6874 2018 May
◆ Dynamic Visual Cues for Differentiating Mirror and Glass.
Tamura H, Higashi H, Nakauchi S, Scientific reports 8(1) 8403 2018 May

Theme2:Vision Technology - Media technology like human vision or beyond it -

Visualization of fish freshness using EEM imaging

Our life has surely become convenient since image media such as a digital camera has developed and spread rapidly. It is true, however, that capability of such image media is nothing like as good as that of the human vision because it is far easy for our vision to capture image information, code the information, and recognize it. The purpose in this project is to crystallize as "technology" the knowledge acquired by the fundamental research of vision science.

We are now tackling various topics as:
- Color blind experience filter
- Visualization of invisible information using spectral imaging
- Wide dynamic range imaging

Selected publications and works

◆ Visualize the quality of frozen fish using fluorescence imaging aided with excitation-emission matrix.
M. V. Bui, M. M. Rahman, N. Nakazawa, E. Okazaki, S. Nakauchi, Optics Express 26 22954-22964 2018 Sep
◆ Smart technique for accurate monitoring of ATP content in frozen fish fillets using fluorescence fingerprint.
Shibata, M., Elmasry G., Moriya, K., Rahman, M., Miyamoto, Y., Ito, K., Nakazawa, N., Nakauchi, S., Okazaki, E., LWT- Food Science and Technology 92(1) 258-264 2018


color universal design, spectral imaging, wide dynamic range imaging

Title of class

Probability and Statistics /
Brain and Neural System Engineering /
Cutting-Edge Interdisciplinary Research 2 /

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