A research team led by Associate Professor Atsushi Nakabachi of Toyohashi University of Technology’s Research Center for Agrotechnology and Biotechnology revealed that the compound “diaphorin” produced by an insect symbiotic bacterium promotes the activity of an in vitro protein synthesis system using Escherichia coli-derived components. Their work clarified part of the mechanism by which diaphorin promotes coliform growth and substance production. This breakthrough opens up possibilities for applications that may improve the efficiency of industrial production of useful substances using bacteria. The results of this research were published online in the journal Microbiology Spectrum on June 4, 2024.
Diaphorin (Figure left) is a compound produced by a symbiotic bacterium of the global agricultural pest Diaphorina citri*1 and is found in the pest’s body at high concentrations of 2–20 mM. Previous research by the team showed that this compound improves the growth and substance production ability of E. coli*2. This research is the first in the world to show that diaphorin at concentrations of 50–500 µM promotes the activity of an artificial protein synthesis system in a test tube, including ribosomes*3 extracted and purified from E. coli, various enzymes, substrates, and other substances (Figure right). This result suggests that diaphorin targets the bacterial gene expression system and exerts effects such as promoting growth and substance production. E. coli is actively used not only in academic research but also in the industrial production of useful substances such as insulin (diabetic medicine), interferon (anticancer drug), growth hormone, and other medicines, as well as industrial enzymes, amino acids, and alcohol including biofuels. The research results clarified part of the mechanism by which diaphorin promotes E. coli growth and substance production, which opens the way for improving efficiency in the industrial production of useful substances using bacteria.
The research team aims to elucidate the molecular mechanism in more detail, while continuing to clarify the activity of diaphorin in regards to a broader variety of bacteria.
This research was supported by a JSPS KAKENHI grant (20H02998).
Rena Takasu, Takashi Izu, and Atsushi Nakabachi. A limited concentration range of diaphorin, a polyketide produced by a bacterial symbiont of the Asian citrus psyllid, promotes the in vitro gene expression with bacterial ribosomes. Microbiology Spectrum, 2024 Jun 4: e0017024
*1 Diaphorina citri
A pest that transmits the incurable citrus greening disease and causes fatal damage to the global citrus industry, which is a factor behind the rise in citrus prices in recent years. Originating from the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia it has now spread worldwide, including the Americas, becoming a global problem.
*2 E. coli
A bacterium that lives in various environments, including the human intestine. There are many strains, only a small number of which are pathogenic. It is widely used in academic research and industrial production of useful substances since it is easy to cultivate and introduce exogenous genes.
*3 Ribosome
An apparatus that synthesizes proteins by linking together 20 types of amino acids based on the base sequence of RNA copied from genomic DNA.
豊橋技術科学大学 先端農業・バイオリサーチセンター 中鉢 淳准教授の研究チームは、昆虫共生細菌の産生する化合物「ディアフォリン」が、大腸菌由来成分を用いた試験管内タンパク質合成系の活性を促進することを明らかにしました。ディアフォリンによる大腸菌増殖・物質生産促進の作用機序の一端を解明するもので、細菌を用いた有用物質の工業生産効率改善への応用が期待されます。本研究成果は2024年6月4日にMicrobiology Spectrum誌上にオンライン発表されました。
「ディアフォリン」(図左)は世界的農業害虫「ミカンキジラミ」*1の共生細菌が産生する化合物で、キジラミ体内に2〜20 mMの高濃度で含まれます。同チームによるこれまでの研究で、本化合物が大腸菌*2の増殖と物質生産能を向上させることが明らかとなっていました。今回の研究は、大腸菌から取り出して精製したリボソーム*3や各種酵素、基質等を含む試験管内の人為的なタンパク質合成系の活性を、50 μM〜500 μMの濃度範囲のディアフォリンが促進することを、世界で初めて明らかにしました(図右)。この結果は、ディアフォリンが細菌の遺伝子発現系を標的にして、増殖・物質生産促進などの効果を発揮することを示唆するものです。大腸菌は学術研究ばかりでなく、インシュリン(糖尿病治療薬)、インターフェロン(抗がん剤)、成長ホルモンなどの医薬の他、工業用酵素、アミノ酸、バイオ燃料を含むアルコールなど、有用物質の工業生産に盛んに用いられています。本研究成果は、ディアフォリンによる大腸菌の増殖・物質生産促進のメカニズムの一端を解明し、細菌を用いた有用物質の工業生産の効率改善へ道を開くものです。
*1 ミカンキジラミ
*2 大腸菌
*3 リボソーム
Name | Atsushi Nakabachi |
Affiliation | Research Center for Agrotechnology and Biotechnology |
Title | Associate Professor |
Fields of Research | Biology of Symbiosis / Entomology / Microbiology |