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HOME > No.36, Jan. 2025 > Pick Up

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TUT Robocon Club "Toyohashi☆Robocons" is great success !!

TUT Robocon Club "Toyohashi☆Robocons" won the championship at NHK GAKUSEI ROBOCON 2024, becoming the first team in competition history to win three consecutive titles

NHK GAKUSEI ROBOCON 2024 was held at the Nihon Kogakuin Arena (Ota-ku, Tokyo) on Sunday, June 9, and the TUT Robocon Club "Toyohashi☆Robocons" won the championship, becoming the first team in competition history to win three consecutive titles.

The theme of the 2024 competition was Harvest Day, inspired by the terraced rice paddies of Vietnam. Each team of two robots competed in the tasks of planting rice, harvesting, and transporting the harvested grain to a warehouse, with the team that completed its task first winning.

TUT faced off against the University of Tokyo in the finals, and in a closely contested match, won the championship.

TUT Robocon club "Toyohashi☆Robocons" placed 3rd in the world at ABU ROBOCON 2024

On Sunday, August 25, ABU Robocon 2024 was held in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, with TUT Robocon Club “TOYOHASHI ROBOCONS” participating as the Japanese representative.

Although they lost in the semi-finals, they can take pride in achieving the third best result in the world.

They also received the “Technology Award” in recognition of their robot's technical capabilities.




2024年大会の競技テーマはベトナムの棚田からインスピレーションを得たHarvest Dayです。田植え、収穫、収穫された穀物の倉庫への輸送のタスクを各チーム2台のロボットで競い、早くタスクを達成したチームが勝利となります。





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