Takeshi Hizawa being awarded an "Outstanding Support for Research Award" in 2023 marked a first for our university.
This award was established in 2020 with a view to commending those such as technical support staff who have contributed to the promotion of research and development through their advanced and specialized technical contributions in the field of research.
The award described Dr. Hizawa’s achievement as a "Contribution to Advanced Device Research by the Construction of a New Semiconductor Fabrication Environment."
Highly Skilled Professional Staff Takeshi Hizawa of Research Promotion Division
Ph.D. (Eng.) (Toyohashi University of Technology)
On receiving this award, Dr. Hizawa made the following comments:
I am very honored to have received the "Outstanding Support for Research Award" by commendation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has provided me with support.
The Institute for Research on Next-generation Semiconductor and Sensing Science at our university has the Venture Business Laboratory (LSI factory) where it is possible to carry out all of the operations involved in the prototyping of semiconductor devices, from design right through to manufacturing and evaluation. Nevertheless, our education and research worksites lacked the equipment required for prototyping, not to mention the required human resources, namely those equipped with advanced, specialized knowledge and the ability to provide technical support for semiconductor fabrication. I examined cutting-edge elemental technologies such as microfabrication and thin-film deposition, as well as integration technologies that optimize the combination of these technologies, and created a new semiconductor fabrication environment to provide tailor-made support to meet the needs of students and researchers. As a result, we were better able to facilitate the inspiration of students and researchers to create new advanced semiconductor devices, which led to numerous academic papers and conference presentations. I believe that the award was a recognition of my efforts to contribute to the progression of research in the abovementioned field.
Moving forward, I shall continue to do my utmost to contribute to the progression of research on next-generation semiconductor devices.
On April 19, the award ceremony was held at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (in an onsite and online hybrid format.) On May 30, our President Kazuhiko Terashima presented the award certificate and a certificate of merit to Dr. Hizawa.
令和5年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰において、研究推進課 飛沢 健 高度専門員が研究支援賞を受賞しました。研究支援賞の受賞は、本学初となります。
研究推進課 飛沢 健 高度専門員
このたび文部科学大臣表彰 研究支援賞を賜り、たいへん光栄に思います。支えてくださった皆様に、心から感謝申し上げます。