“Power Wave”, a university-based startup company was launched in March 2021 from the Laboratory of Professor Takashi Ohira at Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT), which promotes the research and practical application development of wireless power transfer to Electric Vehicles (EV) from the road while driving. This technology, which combines both power transmission and charging, is attracting attention as a way to compensate for the limited range of EVs.
The CEO of the company will be Shinji Abe (29 years old), TUT Project Research Assistant and graduate of Sendai KOSEN National College of Technology, who has been promoting this research at TUT’s graduate school . The CTO will be TUT Project Research Assistant Minoru Mizutani, a graduate of Suzuka KOSEN and TUT’s Masters course. Finally, Professor Takashi Ohira was appointed as Director and General Manager of the R&D Division. Power Wave was established with the cooperation of local private companies in Toyohashi City with Mr. Norito Oida, CEO of the IT-related start-up company TASUKI, as CFO and Mr Koichi Obata, Director of a certified public accountant firm, as auditor. Full-scale system verification experiments will begin in October of this year jointly with Toyota Group companies such as Aisin and Denso, with the aim of providing a practical system from 2022 onwards. This work is partially supported by “Knowledge Hub Aichi”, the Priority Research Project from Aichi Prefectural Government.
走行中の電気自動車へ、路面から走行中にワイヤレスで電気を送るシステムの研究と実用化を推進する、豊橋技術科学大学の大平孝教授の研究室から、大学発スタートアップ企業「Power Wave」が2021年3月に立ち上がりました。送電と充電を両立したこの方式は、電気自動車の走行距離の短さなどの欠点を補う技術として注目されています。
代表取締役CEOに、仙台高専専攻科を卒業後、豊橋技術科学大学の大学院で本技術の研究を推進し、現在豊橋技術科学大学の特任助手 阿部晋士(29歳)、技術開発部長 CTOに特任助手 水谷豊(鈴鹿高専卒業・豊橋技術科学大学大学院修了)、取締役・研究開発本部長に大平孝教授が就任しました。豊橋市内の民間企業の協力を得て Power Waveは設立され、取締役 CFOをIT関連スタートアップ企業「TASUKI」のCEO種田憲人氏、監査役を公認会計士事務所所長の小畑耕一氏が務めます。本年10月より知の拠点あいち重点研究プロジェクトの一環として、トヨタグループのアイシンやデンソーなどと共同実証実験を本格開始し、2022年以降からの実用システムの提供を目指します。
Toyohashi University of Technology and Toyohashi Heart Center have established a collaborative research program to realize a smart hospital utilizing AI and IoT robotics based around the principles of providing high quality medical care with high efficiency and low labor intensity. A large-scale collaborative research project with a total research investment of 100 million yen will run for five years starting in FY2021. The research will focus on the following goals: implementation of an AI automated medical consultation system using voice input, a medical record preparation support system using natural language processing, a cardiovascular imaging diagnosis system using AI based on the image data and diagnosis results accumulated at the Heart Center. At the same time, an educational program to develop human resources who can sustainably adopt, utilize, and develop AI and IoT technologies for use in medical care. Through this program, TUT will promote the social implementation of the university’s research results in the medical field.