


Sato, Yukinori

Affiliation Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Concurrent post Information and Media Center
Title Associate Professor
Fields of Research Computer architecture, High-performance computer system, Software performance engineering
Degree Ph. D. (Tohoku University)
Academic Societies IEEE, ACM, IEICE, IPSJ
E-mail yukinori@cs
Please append ".tut.ac.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL http://www.perf.cs.tut.ac.jp/
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information

Title of class

Computer Architecture (B13621020)
Software Design Methodology (B13630210)
Computer System Engineering 2 (M23621110) / Advanced Computer Systems 2 (D33030250)
Advanced Computer Architecture (M43630450) / Advanced Computer Architecture and Systems (D53030350)

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