


Matsui, Tomoya

Affiliation Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Concurrent post Research Center for Collaborative Area Risk Management (CARM)
Title Associate Professor
Fields of Research Reinforced Concrete Structure / Seismic Design / Steel Concrete Composite Structure
Degree Doctor of Engneering(University of Tokyo)
Academic Societies Architectural Institute of Japan / Japan Concrete Institute / Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering
E-mail matsui@ace
Please append ".tut.ac.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL http://www.rc.ace.tut.ac.jp/matsui/index.html
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information


In our laboratory, we have been conducting research toward reduction of the building damage caused by the earthquake.
Study on seismic performance and development of structural performance evaluation method of the building using concrete (Reinforced Concrete structure, Steel Concrete Composite structure) have been conducted from both sides of experiment (static or dynamic load) and analysis (response analysis or FEM analysis) In addition, research themes are development of new structural system, earthquake observation of building, improvement of seismic performance evaluation method and seismic strengthening of existing buildings.

Theme1:Study on Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall with Opening

Static loading test of RC wall with multi opening

In general, the shear strength of RC shear walls with openings are evaluated by using an equivalent perimeter ratio of openings in the AIJ design standard for RC structures in Japan. Although the opening layouts are different, the shear strength of shear walls with the same value of the equivalent perimeter ratio is calculated by using the above method. As for the existing experimental results and the earthquake damage to RC buildings in the past, the failure mechanisms of RC shear walls with openings are complicated. study on Structural performance and the evaluation method of RC wall with openings have been conducted by experiment and numerical analysis.


Reinforced concrete stracture, Shear walls with opening, FEM analysis, Structural performance evaluation

Theme2:Developement Study on Concrete Encased Steel (CES) Structural system

FE analysis of CES beam-column joint

Development studies on composite Concrete Encased Steel (CES) structures composed of steel and fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) have been continuously conducted. Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Structures developed in Japan have good structural performance for resisting lateral forces imposed by wind and earthquakes. the main reason thought for the causes of the decrease is the construction problems that increase construction costs and lengthen construction schedules. So, study on Structural performance and the evaluation method of CES structures have been conducted by experiment and numerical analysis.


Concrete Encased Steel structure, Fiber reinforced concrete, FEM analysis

Title of class

Engineering and Science Laboratory (B10110020)
Reinforced Concrete  (B15610050)
Experimental Practice of Structural Engineering (B15620030)
Structural Materials and Mechanics (B15510080)
Construction Materials (B15630030)
Structural Planning and Design (B15630040)
Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete System (M25620090)
Structural Design and Cost Performance (D05123300)
Advanced Structural Design (D35030020)

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