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HOME > No.36, Jan. 2025 > Synthesis and detailed electrochemical analysis of sulfide-based solid electrolyte with practical level ionic conductivity via liquid phase method

Synthesis and detailed electrochemical analysis of sulfide-based solid electrolyte with practical level ionic conductivity via liquid phase method

Toward realization of sulfide-based all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries Kazuhiro Hikima
Kazuhiro Hikima
Assistant Professor Kazuhiro Hikima (right) and Ryota Kishi (left)

A combined Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) and Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) research team successfully synthesized the sulfide-based solid electrolyte Li₁₀GeP₂S₁₂ with practical room-temperature ionic conductivity by optimizing the heat treatment process in the solution method. The team includes, on the TUT side, master’s student Ryota Kishi, Assistant Professor Kazuhiro Hikima, Professor Atsunori Matsuda from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, and Professor Hiroyuki Muto from the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, along with Specially Appointed Associate Professor (at the time) Hirofumi Tsukasaki and Professor Shigeo Mori from the Department of Materials Science from OMU., The Li10GeP2S12 synthesized solution method exhibits unique electrochemical properties compared to ball-mill-synthesized samples, such as a (1) small particle size with high grain boundary resistance and (2) surface layer from the organic solvent that is highly stable with respect to Li-In anodes. The results of this research were published online in ACS Applied Energy Materials on September 25, 2024.

All-solid-state batteries using flame-retardant inorganic solid electrolytes are expected to be the next-generation batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) owing to their high safety and output characteristics. Much research and development is being conducted on sulfide-based solid electrolytes that exhibit excellent ionic conductivity and plasticity to apply these batteries to EVs. However, sulfide-based solid electrolytes are unstable in the atmosphere; hence, they must be synthesized without exposure to air, which necessitates the development of a low-cost liquid-phase synthesis method suitable for mass production.

Our group has been actively conducting research on liquid-phase synthesis processes. A previous study in May 2023 indicated that adding an excess amount of sulfur along with Li2S, P2S5, and GeS2, which are the starting materials for the Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolyte, to a mixed solvent of acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, and a trace amount of ethanol reduced the total synthesis time from approximately three days, to just 7.5 h. Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolyte synthesized by this method showed a relatively high ionic conductivity (room-temperature conductivity 1.6 mS/cm) (https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CC01018J). However, the ionic conductivity of Li10GeP2S12 obtained by solution synthesis was lower than that of ball-mill-synthesized samples.

First, the synthesis conditions were improved to obtain higher ionic conductivity in solution-synthesized samples. The conventional heat treatment process uses a quartz boat (SiO2). However, the SiO2 boat resulted in the formation of impurities, such as SiS2. Therefore, the various boat materials were examined. A Ti boat resulted in a room-temperature conductivity of 5.5 mS/cm. However, the ball-mill-synthesized sample under the same conditions showed an ionic conductivity of 7.9 mS/cm at room temperature; whereas the solution-synthesized sample had a lower ionic conductivity, the reasons were unclear. Therefore, the electrochemical properties (1: ionic conductivity, 2: Li-In anode stability) of the ball-mill-synthesized and solution-synthesized Li10GeP2S12 were compared to analyze the characteristics and factors of the electrochemical properties of the solution-synthesized sample.

  1. Ionic conductivity: The particle size of the solution-synthesized sample was smaller than that of the ball-mill-synthesized sample. In addition, the AC impedance measurements obtained at a low temperature of 190 K were aimed at distinguishing between the bulk resistance and grain boundary resistance. This result showed that the grain boundary resistance of the solution-synthesized sample was significantly higher than that of the ball-mill-synthesized sample. Based on the results, it was concluded that this is the reason why the ionic conductivity calculated from the total resistance became lower.
  2. Li-In anode stability: The stability of the Li-In/Li10GeP2S12 interface was investigated by evaluating the voltage change of a Li-In/Li10GeP2S12 symmetric cell. Despite its lower ionic conductivity, the solution-synthesized sample showed a lower overvoltage, and the Li10GeP2S12 interface had a higher stability. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy also suggested the presence of an organic solvent-derived particle surface layer, which contributes to the interface stability between Li-In and Li10GeP2S12.

This study presented a liquid-phase synthesis method for sulfide-based solid electrolytes that demonstrates practical room-temperature ionic conductivity while also revealing the unique electrochemical properties and mechanisms associated with the liquid-phase approach. The results highlight the significance of the particle surface state, which has not been considered in previous studies. This study focused on Li10GeP2S12 as a sulfide-based solid electrolyte with high ionic conductivity. A future goal is to extend this approach to synthesize sulfide-based solid electrolytes beyond Li₁₀GeP₂S₁₂, aiming for higher ionic conductivity and improved anode stability and to analyze the particle surface state, which could significantly enhance performance.

Unique electrochemical properties of solution-synthesized Li10GeP2S12
Title: Unique electrochemical properties of solution-synthesized Li10GeP2S12
Caption: Comparison of solution-synthesized and ball-mill-synthesized Li10GeP2S12


Kazuhiro Hikima, Ryota Kishi, Hirofumi Tsukasaki, Shigeo Mori, Hiroyuki Muto, and Atsunori Matsuda, Electrochemical properties of Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolytes synthesized using a solution-based method, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 7, 19, 8788–8796 (2024).

This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (JP 21K14716, JP 22H04614), the SOLiD-EV (JPNP 18003) and SOLID-NEXT (JPNP23005) of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), and the GteX program (JPMJGX23S5) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).


硫化物系全固体リチウムイオン電池の実現へ 引間 和浩

豊橋技術科学大学 電気・電子情報工学専攻の博士前期課程 岸 遼太 氏、引間 和浩 助教、松田 厚範 教授、総合教育院の武藤 浩行 教授、大阪公立大学 物質化学生物系専攻の塚崎 裕文 特任准教授(当時)、森 茂生 教授らの研究グループは、溶液法における熱処理過程を改善することで、実用化レベルの室温イオン伝導性を示す硫化物系固体電解質Li10GeP2S12を合成することに成功しました。また、溶液合成したLi10GeP2S12は、ボールミル合成した試料と比較し、①粒径が小さく粒界抵抗が大きいこと、②粒子表面の有機溶媒に起因する表面層が存在し、Li-In負極に対する安定性が高い、という溶液合成特有の電気化学特性を明らかにしました。本研究成果は、ACS Applied Energy Materialsに2024年9月25日付けでオンライン公開されました。


当研究グループでは、液相合成プロセスに関する研究を精力的に行ってきました。これまでに、アセトニトリルとテトラヒドロフラン、微量のエタノールの混合溶媒に、硫化物系固体電解質Li10GeP2S12の出発原料であるLi2S、P2S5、GeS2とともに硫黄(S)を過剰に添加することで、3日程度必要だった総合成時間を最短7.5時間まで短縮でき、比較的高いイオン伝導性(室温導電率1.6 mS/cm)を示すことを2023年5月に発表しました(https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CC01018J)。しかし、ボールミル合成試料と比較して、溶液合成で得られたLi10GeP2S12のイオン伝導性が低いことが課題でした。

本研究では、まず、溶液合成品で高いイオン伝導性が得られる合成条件を探索しました。従来の熱処理過程では、最後の熱処理の過程で石英ボート(SiO2)を用いていましたが、熱処理後にSiS2などの不純物が生成することが課題でした。そこで、燃焼ボートの材料種を検討しました。その結果、Tiボートを用いて熱処理することで、室温導電率5.5 mS/cmを達成しました。しかし、同じ条件でのボールミル合成品では7.9 mS/cmを示しており、溶液合成品はイオン伝導性が低く、その原因が明らかになっていませんでした。そこで、ボールミル合成と溶液合成したLi10GeP2S12の電気化学特性(1: イオン伝導性, 2: Li-In負極安定性)を比較して、溶液合成品の電気化学特性の特徴とその因子を解析しました。

  1. イオン伝導性:溶液合成品では、ボールミル合成品と比べて粒径が小さいことが分かりました。また、バルク抵抗と粒界抵抗を分離してイオン伝導性を解析したところ、溶液合成品では、ボールミル合成品と比べて粒界抵抗の増加が顕著であることを見出しました。以上により、全抵抗から算出したイオン伝導性が低下したと考えられます。
  2. Li-In負極安定性:Li-In/Li10GeP2S12/Li-In対称セルの電圧変化を評価することで、Li-In/Li10GeP2S12界面の安定性を調べました。イオン伝導性が低いにもかかわらず溶液合成品の方が過電圧が低く、溶液合成品の方がLi-In/ Li10GeP2S12界面の安定性が高いことが分かりました。また、X線光電子分光法により、有機溶媒に由来する粒子表面層の存在が示唆され、この表面層がLi-InとLi10GeP2S12間の界面安定性に寄与するのではないかと考えています。


Kazuhiro Hikima, Ryota Kishi, Hirofumi Tsukasaki, Shigeo Mori, Hiroyuki Muto and Atsunori Matsuda, Electrochemical properties of Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolytes synthesized using a solution-based method, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 7, 19, 8788–8796 (2024).

本研究は、JSPS科研費(JP 21K14716, JP 22H04614)、国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)のSOLiD-EV (JPNP 18003)、SOLiD-NEXT (JPNP23005)、国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST)のGteXプログラム(JPMJGX23S5)の助成により実施されました。

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Researcher Profile

Name Kazuhiro Hikima
Affiliation Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering
Title Assistant Professor
Fields of Research Inorganic Materials Science / Energy related chemistry

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