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TUT receives highest score in midterm assessment for MEXT Top Global University Project

On February 2018, the midterm evaluation results of the Top Global University Project (April 2014 - March 2024) were announced. Toyohashi University of Technology was one of only 6 universities out of the 37 originally selected for this project to be awarded the highest possible "S" grade.

This Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) project is designed to support top level Japanese universities to take the next step to join the ranks of the best universities worldwide. This is to be achieved by globalizing these universities’ outlook and activities, while concentrating on delivering world class education and research.

In the evaluation report, TUT’s progress was praised as "being excellent and expected to achieve project goals." In particular, "Global Technology Architects Course Program", "English/Japanese Bilingual lectures throughout the university" and "Global House - share-room type of student boarding house" earned particular praise.

The increase in the ratio of international students is one of the fundamental goals of the university’s globalization efforts, and we are continuing to work towards that objective. Accordingly, the academic year 2018 from this April began with a total of 240 international students from 27 countries. This represents about 12% of all TUT students, which makes it our highest ratio to date.

International students welcome party, April 2018
International students welcome party, April 2018
Number of TUT International Students by Country

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