Prof. Iwasa’s research group (S. Iwasa, Toyohashi University of Technology; S. Miyake, Advanced Scientific Technology & Management Research Institute of Kyoto, Research & Development Division, Horiba, Ltd.; T. Ohtake, Aichi Agricultural Research Center; K. Adachi and S. Saito, Aichi Science & Technology Foundation) has established immuochromatography kits and an immunosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR-sensor) for the detection of residual pesticides in agricultural products. Immuochromatography kits were found to be a rapid, highly sensitive and low cost method for residual pesticide determination. SPR-sensors could detect more than 6 different types of pesticide at the same time. The working sensitivity of these methods was up to the level of 10ng/mL. These methods can be applied to the safety control of agricultural products.
Pesticides play an important role in increasing the productivity of agricultural products. At the same time, the detection and safety control of the residual pesticides is also necessary because of their toxicity. The residual pesticide in agricultural products has been mainly measured by instrumental analysis such as GC-MS and LC-MS so far.
The procedure of using instruments to perform an accurate detection analysis of residual pesticides in agricultural products is well established. This kind of instrumental analysis is, however, expensive, time consuming, and requires specific training. Thus, it would obviously be beneficial to be able to detect residual pesticides with simple, low cost operation, allowing rapid analysis without any special skill.
In this regard, we have established immuochromatography kits and an immunosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR-sensor) for the detection of residual pesticides in agricultural products. When an antibody of the target pesticide is applied to the immunosensor, hapten synthesis is required because of the small size of the target molecule. This is one of the most important steps for preparing a highly sensitive monoclonal antibody for target molecule. We have synthesized more than 20 pesticide haptens and their antibodies at Toyohashi University of Technology and the Advanced Scientific Technology & Management Research Institute of Kyoto and Research & Development Division, Horiba, Ltd. The resulting monoclonal antibody was successfully set up as an immuochromatography kit. The kit visually displays the target pesticide by colorizing and also immediately determines the concentration of the residual pesticide. All it requires is to take a photo using a standard mobile phone camera. (Fig. 2)
Immuochromatography kits were found to be a rapid, highly target selective and low cost method for residual pesticide detection. This tool can be utilized anytime, anywhere, for self-managing the safety control of foods such as agricultural products. We believe that the cost performance and easy operation combined with high accuracy are great advantages compared to the standard instrument analysis. Furthermore, SPR-sensors can detect up to 6 different types of pesticide at the same time. The working sensitivity of these methods is up to 10ng/mL.These can be also applied to the safety control of agricultural products, especially in large-scale production areas. (Fig. 3)
Hirakawa, Y., Yamasaki, T.; Watanabe, E.; Okazaki, F.; Murakami-Y., Y.; Oda, M.; Iwasa, S.; Narita, H.; Miyake, S., "Development of an Immunosensor for Determination of the Fungicide Chlorothalonil in Vegetables, using Surface Plasmon Resonance" Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 28, [6325−6330], (2015). DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b01980.
Hirakawa, Y.; Yamasaki, T.; Harada, A.; Ohtake, T.; Adachi, K.; Iwasa, S.; Narita, H.; Miyake, S. "Analysis of the Fungicide Boscalid in Horticultural Crops Using an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and an Immunosensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance" Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 28, [6325−6330], (2015). DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b01980.
Y. Nakagawa, S. Chanthamath, K. Shibatomi, S. Iwasa, “Ru(II)-Pheox Catalyzed Asymmetric Intermolecular Cyclopropanation of Electron-Deficient Olefins”, Organic Letters, 17, [2792−2795], (2015). DOI:10.1021/acs.orglett.5b01201.
山崎 朋美, 井上 知美, 平川 由紀, 三宅 司郎, 上野 英二, 斎藤 勲「ELISAキットによる野菜・果実中残留農薬分析の妥当性評価の試み」食品衛生学雑誌, 56: 240-246 (2015).
農産物の安全管理のために、生物の免疫システムである抗体反応を活用して簡便に調べることのできるイムノクロマト法による残留農薬検査(Immunochromatography Kit)およびさらに表面プロズモン共鳴(Surface Plasmon Resonance: SPR)を利用した残留農薬の多標的同時検査システムの開発に成功しました。従来の、検査機器は大型で高価なうえ、熟練した専門家が必要で検査に時間を要するものが多いのですが、ここでは生産現場や海外などで簡便に素早く使える安価なシステムを確立し、感度は10ng/mLレベルに達しました。
1) Aichi Science & Technology Foundation Aichi Science & Technology Foundation, 2) Aichi Agricultural Research Center, 3) Toyohashi University of Technology, 4) Aichi Prefectural Institute of Public Health, 5) Advanced Scientific Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO
Name | Seiji Iwasa |
Affiliation | Department of Environmental and Life Science |
Title | Professor |
Fields of Research | Organic Chemistry / Organometallics |