The article by Associate Professor Takeshi Kawano, PhD candidate Yoshihiro Kubota, and co-workers appeared on the front cover of Small June 2016.
03 Jun 2016
The article by Associate Professor Takeshi Kawano, PhD candidate Yoshihiro Kubota, and co-workers (Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering and the Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute (EIIRIS) at Toyohashi Tech) appeared on the front cover of Small June 2016. The title of the article is "Nanoscale-Tipped High-Aspect-Ratio Vertical Microneedle Electrodes for Intracellular Recordings". The research team has developed an intracellular recording device, which has three-dimensional nanoscale-tipped microneedle electrodes over 100-μm long, and demonstrated the intracellular recording capability.
Small, Volume 12, Issue 21, June 1, 2016
Kubota et al., Nanoscale-tipped high-aspect-ratio vertical microneedle electrodes for intracellular recordings, Small, June 1, 2016.