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AIST-TUT Advanced Sensor Collaborative Research Laboratory

14 Jul 2015

Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) has been selected for MEXT's "Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities", whereby, in order to strengthen and promote its research ability, TUT is making environmental improvements so that it can create laboratories that combine research from different fields in order to transcend the boundaries of those fields and organizations.

We recently established the "AIST-TUT Advanced Sensor Collaborative Research Laboratory" with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), as a leading-edge collaborative research laboratory with the aim of advancing and diversifying research at TUT by having our faculty work in collaboration with researchers from international and domestic research institutions of the highest caliber, and by continually conducting research over a given period on specific fields of research.

AIST-TUT Advanced Sensor Collaborative Research Laboratory

[Date of Establishment]
1 July, 2015

[Research Content & Purpose]
Sensors detect various data all around us, from information about water quality and viruses to temperatures and humidity. As the basis of our society that unites the physical world with the cyber one, their importance is increasing more and more. This laboratory aims to promote academic research and practical applications in sensor development and to avoid passing through a so-called "death valley" by working in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. The goals of this collaboration are to maximally reduce the time it takes from basic research on innovative sensors that meet various needs, including sensing data that was thought to be impossible at first glance, to implementation in society, to advance low-cost research and development, as well as to research technologies that are able to be manufactured (minimal manufacturing techniques).
This laboratory aims to be active in research on theories of minimal manufacturing techniques for sensors, the development of sensors, research and development for cutting-edge sensing chips based on those techniques, and building a place for open innovation in the sensor sector.

[Research Institutions]
-National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
 Shiro Hara
 Group leader, Minimal System Group of Nanoelectronics Research Institute
-Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT)
 Kazuaki Sawada, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering
 Kazuhiro Takahashi, Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering
 Tatsuya Iwata, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering

150714rac2.jpgDr. Shiro Hara, Dr. Ryoji Chubachi (President of AIST),
Dr. Takashi Onishi (President of TUT), Dr. Kazuaki Sawada (from Left)

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