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Prof. Shimojo (Caltech) establishes the Shimojo-TUT International Collaborative Research Laboratory

01 Jul 2015

Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) has been selected for MEXT's "Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities", whereby, in order to strengthen and promote its research ability, TUT is making environmental improvements so that it can create laboratories that combine research from different fields in order to transcend the boundaries of those fields and organizations.

We recently established the "Mind & Brain Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Processing" with Professor Shinsuke Shimojo of the world-leading California Institute of Technology (Caltech), as a leading-edge collaborative research laboratory with the aim of advancing and diversifying research at TUT by having our faculty work in collaboration with researchers from international and domestic research institutions of the highest caliber, and by continually conducting research over a given period on specific fields of research.

Shimojo (Caltech)-TUT International Collaborative Research Laboratory
- Mind & Brain Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Processing -

[Date of Establishment]
1 July, 2015

[Research Content & Purpose]
To blaze trails in the science of the mind that lies at the foundation of a deeper understanding of humankind and society by elucidating the underlying workings of the brain and how it serves as the foundation for human reason, mutual understanding, action, and perception through neurocognitive approaches such as non-invasive brain function measurement techniques. Those results will rapidly increase our scientific understanding of human nature, and by linking up with Toyohashi Tech's doctoral degree education leading program, the laboratory's results promise to lead to the training of talented human resources that can develop never-before-seen, revolutionary information and electronics technologies based on the latest research through a deep understanding of the human mind and brain.

[Research Institutions]
-California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
 Shinsuke Shimojo
 Gertrude Baltimore Professor of Experimental Psychology
 Division of Biology and Biological Engineering
-Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT)
 Shigeki Nakauchi, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
 Michiteru Kitazaki, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
 Tetsuto Minami, Associate Professor, Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute (EIIRIS)
 Hiroshi Higashi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

140701la1.jpgPresident, Dr. Shimojo, Dr. Nakauchi, Dr. Hara (from Left)

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