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2011 JICA Training course on "Coordinator Training for Tertiary Education-Industry-Government" started

27 Oct 2011

On Thursday, September 29, a JICA training course, "Training of coordinators for the industry-academia-government collaboration for the development of regional industry" was introduced at the facilities of TUT.  This course is part of a three-year plan that started in 2010.  In this second year, 10 trainees from six countries, i.e. Algeria, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mexico and the Philippines, are participating.

On September 30, a welcoming reception was held at the Hibari Lounge in the Welfare facility of the University. At the reception, following the greeting by Mr. Inagaki, Administration Officer, a representative trainee, Dr. Noviana Deni, expressed appreciation to persons in charge of the training course and stressed their own enthusiasm. 
The trainees are scheduled to participate in lectures to be held at a Seminar room in the General Research and Experimental Building in the University, and will also receive practical training for coordination at real companies. 

On the last day of the workshop at TUT, which will be on Wednesday, November 2nd, presentations of an Action Plan for promoting the industry-academia-government collaboration in each country or parent organization will take place, together with a closing ceremony.

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