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Mr Nyioh Yong Jian, a Master Course student was selected as a finalist for the "Applications Paper Prize"

07 Oct 2011

ifac_niyoh.jpgMr Nyioh Yong Jian was selected as a finalist for the Applications Paper Prize at the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
This is the world's largest international congress on automatic control, and is held once every three years. This year it was held in Milan during the period from August 28 through September 2.

This Prize is given by the IFAC Congress to persons who have written an excellent academic paper in the field of control applications.
A total of 3629 papers were submitted during this Congress, and 2478 among them were adopted (68% were adopted). 5 papers out of those accepted were selected as finalists.

Title of the paper;
Simulator Building for Agile Control Design of Shipboard Crane and its application to Operational Training

First author; Nyioh Yong Jian

Yoshiyuki Noda, Kazuhiko Terashima

Affiliation: System Control Course, Mechanical Engineering, TUT

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